
UK Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Standards state that “interventions should be delivered by staff who are skilled and supported in responding to domestic abuse”

King's College London University of Edinburgh

Bespoke Training

We also offer bespoke training on identifying IPV, IPV risk assessment and management, best practice in behaviour change for IPV perpetrators and supporting victims/survivors, tailored to your or your organisation’s specific needs.

In Person or Online

We also provide training on the administration of the B-Safer and SARA risk assessment tools in person or online.

5% Profits Donated

5% of all profits from the training and certification of facilitators and partner support workers is donated to charities and organisations supporting women experiencing domestic abuse.

Flexible, Comprehensive Training

Access our online training platform at your convenience, combining interactive lessons, video demonstrations, and real-world case studies to enhance your skills.

Download PDF

The training is primarily delivered online, on a private website, which allows all participants to access materials in their own, time, in privacy and work through their learning at a pace appropriate for them. The training is a blend of voiced training talks, video demonstrations of the material and worked case examples.

There are formative assessments throughout, using knowledge quizzes and case studies and the summative assessments include, for facilitators written case study assessing suitability and eligibility for the programme, demonstration of programme delivery and coaching call delivery and, for the partner support workers, demonstrations of two support calls.

The Modules

Whilst the majority of training takes place remotely, telephone or TEAMS support to discuss material, general programme related queries or issues related to certification submission and competency assessment is available at Support for technical difficulties and questions regarding access to the material is also available on the same email address.

The ADVANCE-D training has been developed to be available as a standalone, online training package.

The training is based on learning principles and best practice in terms of engagement, delivery, formative assessment, and summative assessment and certification.

This means that the demand on staff can be flexibly managed, and staff can work to their own learning styles in reading materials, watching presentations, undertaking quizzes and practice assessment cases before completing and submitting the certifications materials.

Training can also be accessed as a team, and training can be facilitated in group or team contexts to enhance the experience.

  • Module 1: Training for Professionals

    Covers the theories of IPV and substance use on which ADVANCE-D is based.

    Welcome to the first module of the Training Programme

    This module equips you with the knowledge and understanding to confidently support individuals and families affected by IPA (Intimate partner violence).

    You will start with watching two presentations covering individual risk factors and intimate partner violence and the link between substance use and intimate partner violence.  You are then asked to read several journal articles offering insight into the lives and experiences of the people for whom ADVANCE-D was developed.  This Module finishes with an overview of the rationale for ADVANCE-D, and why did we need a new integrated IPA and substance use programme.

    In this module, you'll need to complete:

    Pre-module knowledge quiz (not graded);

    • eLearning;
    • Post-module knowledge quiz (formative assessment).

    Approximate learning time for this module - 2.5 - 3 hours.

  • Module 2: Risk Assessment

    Covers structured professional judgement risk assessment in IPV and teaches professionals how to profile risk, including considering imminence, level of harm, nature of harm, and risk and safety requirements, as well as suitability for ADVANCE-D.

    Not available unless: The activity Post-module 1 knowledge check is marked complete

    Welcome to the second module of the Training Programme

    In this module you will learn the core elements of the following topics and be asked to practice key components of this risk assessment on mock cases,  You will cover:

    • Structured Professional Judgement as an approach to risk assessment;

    • The B-Safer risk assessment tool:

      • the rationale and
      • practice how to apply the tool;
    • You will be introduced to the ADVANCE-D risk assessment and the eligibility for ADVANCE-D criteria.

    During this module, you will be asked to complete each element of the B-Safer risk assessment using practice cases and at the end of the Programme, in Module 5, you will be asked to complete a full risk assessment for one of several cases we will provide for you. This is a part of your certification.

    In this module, you'll need to complete:

    • Pre-module knowledge quiz (not graded);
    • eLearning;
    • Practice task: Completing Risk Assessment Items (not graded);
    • Post-module knowledge quiz (graded)

    The approximate learning time for this module is 3 - 3.5 hours.

  • Module 3: Programme Overview

    Covers the theories underpinning the ADVANCE-D programme, including thinking around how people change, what help people to change, e.g. motivation; what the targets of change are, e.g. understanding the range of behaviours driven by IPV, managing relationship ending, communication, sexual jealousy, and how ADVANCE-D addresses these issues.

    Not available unless: The activity Post-module 2 knowledge check is marked complete

    Welcome to the third module of the Training Programme

    In this Module, you will be taken through the various individual elements that make up the ADVANCE-D programme. This will include an overview of the Group Sessions, an overview of the Website Sessions, and a summary of the Facilitator Coaching calls.

    You will also hear about the role of the Partner Support Worker and be talked through their initial calls with partners and ex-partners of group participants and the model of Case Management which includes  Facilitators and Partner Support Workers meeting to discuss all group participants and risk and safety issues (which can be on TEAMS).

    You'll also have the Integrity Support meetings and the importance and value to keeping attending these meetings explained to you.

    In this module, you'll need to complete:

    • pre-module knowledge quiz (not graded)
    • eLearning course;
    • post-module knowledge quiz (graded).
  • Module 4: Sessions Core Content

    Covers all of the group, website, coaching and support sessions and materials.

    Welcome to the fourth module of the Training Programme

    In this last learning module, we'll take a closer look at the details of the ADVANCE-De sessions. You will be told what the first introductory 1- session with each participant should cover, and get to watch a role-play of this session.  You will then see what the 'Welcome to ADVANCE-D' TEAMS session covers and be shown the messages and activities that should be included in this session. Following those introductory sessions, you will be walked through each group work session, followed by the linked website sessions and the coaching calls. (Groups 1 and 3 are role-played and sessions 2, and 4- 6 and the Booster session are presented on PowerPoint).

    For Partner Support Workers you will see all of this material AND you will see the Script for the Initial Call with a partner or ex-partner, see the general safety messages, and the specific safety messages linked to each of the participant sessions which should be included in all follow-up calls with (ex-)partners.

    After finishing this module, Facilitators will know how to conduct a Group Session, know what participants see during the Website Sessions and know what to include in each Coaching Call. Partner Support Workers will be familiar with all group work and website content, know what the facilitators will be saying to participants on a weekly basis;  know what to say in the Initial Call with a partner or ex-partner and what to include in all follow-up calls with (ex-) partners, including the general and specific Safety Messages.

    In this module, you'll need to complete:

    • Pre-module knowledge quiz (not graded)
    • eLearning;
    • Post-module knowledge quiz (graded).
  • Module 5: Certification

    Is the certification module, which presents case studies and programme material for the learning to select from, to then undertake the three (for facilitators) or two (for partner support workers) certification submissions, to complete the training and gain access to the professionals, participant and partner website to allow delivery of the programme.

    Not available unless: The activity Post-module 4 knowledge check is marked complete

    Welcome to the final module of the training programme In this module, you will need to make a few assignments.

    If you're a Facilitator:

    There are 3 steps for Facilitators to achieve certification in ADVANCE-D

    1. Undertake a mock risk assessment/eligibility for ADVANCE-D;

    2. Role play delivering a 20-minute segment of one of the ADVANCE-D group work sessions and upload it for review;

    3. Role-play delivering one of the coaching calls and uploading it for review.

    If you're a Partner Support Worker (ISS):

    There are 2 steps for Partner Support Workers to achieve certification in the ADVANCE-D programme.

    1. Role play delivery of the Initial Contact phone call with a partner or ex-partner of a participant, and upload it for review;

    2. Role-play delivery of a further support call with a partner or ex-partner of a participant, covering the material the participant will recently have learned, and the linked safety messages for women.

    Following a successful review of all these materials you will receive your certificates for these competencies and gain access to the ADVANCE-D website and all the delivery materials.

Overview of ADVANCED-D Training

This course equips ADVANCE-D Programme facilitators and partner support workers with practical skills. Participants will learn to understand the link between substance use and intimate partner violence, conduct risk assessments, support goal planning, facilitate group sessions, manage cases and risks, and handle data collection and reporting for the programme.

The training programme consists of:

  • five learning modules where you'll be provided with essential information about the Programme;
  • In each module you'll have knowledge checks;
  • in the last, fifth, module you'll have to do assignments.

Approximate learning time for this training is 18+ hours (including assessments time).

We recommend you plan your learning time to achieve the certificate and learn all the information provided.

How to navigate through the website?

  • there are seven sections on the portal simply click on the tile you want to see and scroll down;
  • carefully read all signposting;
  • your navigation is restricted by activity completion - you'll be able to access each next module after completing all activities in the current one.

After Completing This Course

View Course Modules
  • As a facilitator, you will:

    • understand the links between substance use and intimate partner violence;
    • understand the Structured Professional Judgement Approach to risk assessment, and have demonstrated competency in either a B-Safer Risk or SARA Assessment 
    • select suitable participants for the ADVANCE-D Programme;
    • understand the overall structure and key components of the ADVANCE-D Programme;
    • be able to support participants with individual goal planning;
    • understand the aims and content of the video groups and be competent in group facilitation using these materials;
    • be familiar with the content of the ADVANCE-D website practice sessions and be competent in undertaking coaching sessions;
    • be competent in case and risk management;
    • be competent in data collection and reporting about ADVANCE-D.
  • As a partner support worker:

    • understand the links between substance use and intimate partner violence;
    • contribute the victim-survivor perspective to the selection of suitable participants for the ADVANCE-D Programme;
    • understand the overall structure and key components of the ADVANCE-D Programme;
    • be able to support partners of participants with safety planning and signposting to services;
    • understand the aims and content of the video groups
    • be familiar with the content of the ADVANCE-D website practice sessions 
    • and be competent in delivering partner support contact calls and inputs;
    • be able to offer the victim survivor perspective in case and risk management;
    • be competent in data collection and reporting about ADVANCE-D.

There are five modules

Following the Introductory messages on the training website, there are five modules, which are described on separate webpages.

The training takes professionals through theories of intimate partner abuse and substance use, risk assessment, and selection of suitable candidates for ADVANCE-D, through the programme theory, content and delivery, culminating in certification assessments for facilitators and partner support workers.

Consultation with experts to support assessment and training is available throughout.

Training Options

There are a number of training options depending on whether you want to train a core staff team, individual staff, or a large number of staff.

In general we would train at least a minimum number of staff required to run ADVANCE-D:

Normally, that would be 2 facilitators and a partner support worker, ideally we would also train back up staff to cover for holidays or sickness, a treatment manager, to oversee delivery and we would identify an ADVANCE-D champion for the service, who could promote referrals and support engagement.

We offer a number of common service training requests and costings below and are happy to work with you to identify bespoke training to meet your training needs if you have specific requests.

Please contact Gail Gilchrist or Liz Gilchrist to discuss ADVANCE-D training costs.


There is also the option of the ADVANCE-D team supplying facilitators employed by us, and sub-contracted to you to deliver our programme.  Please do let us know if you might be interested in the ADVANCE-D team supplying the facilitator input, or the partner support work, or both.


In addition to training on the delivery of ADVANCE-D, we offer bespoke training on identifying IPV, IPV risk assessment and management, best practice in behaviour change for IPV perpetrators and supporting victims/survivors, tailored to your or your organisation’s specific needs.

We also provide training on the administration of the B-Safer and SARA risk assessment tools in person or online.

Five percent of all profits from the training and certification of facilitators and partner support workers is donated to charities and organisations supporting women experiencing domestic abuse.